We have been blessed this year to donate an item for raffle to support #teamfiji in the Challenge of the Nations Netball Competition. A lovely inclusive community who hold one fundraiser to assist all players in purchasing uniforms and other items required. Costs for this netball event are kept low to allow families to be able to afford to participate. On Saturday 28th September was the team launch and fundraiser. A first time for us to attend a wonderful event like this and nothing we have experienced before. Dinner and desert was provided and rather putting a price on the meal they put the cost as a Soli. What we learnt was a Soli is a donation of what you can afford to pay for the meal. This is to allow the event to be an inclusive meal for all. We arrived late due to our daughter competing in the INFQ Junior State Championships in Ipswich Qld, When we arrived we were greeted by friendly, welcoming members who directed us on where to go. We then proceeded to the dinner line. While the hall was full we found a spot on the table with not enough seats. A very kind gentlemen gave up his seat to allow us to eat our meal as he was finished. This alone is a rare occurrence in todays society. The night proceed with a guest appearance from Ili Tabua who is a former rugby union footballer who played at international level for both Fiji and Australia. Ili's talk was very encouraging and inspirational. We were then treated to cultural dancing and presentation of flag bearers for their event. We would like to thank the wonderful committee for allowing us to attend their fantastic event and we wish all the players a wonderful event. The team at Big Z Beard Co are thankful we were able to donate a hamper for their raffles.